Thursday, 15 November 2012

The Next President Will Be? Uranian Astrology's View of Who Will Win!

On Tuesday November 6, 2012, the American people will go to the polls to elect the next President of the Unites States of America. Between now and then many astrologers will explore the horoscopes of the candidates for president and vice president to see who will be wielding the power of the oval office after the 2012 election.

Let me set the stage for this article. The event (election) will begin on November 6, 2012 at 12:00 AM, EST in Dixville Notch, N.H 44N52'15", 71W18'23". The polls will be deemed closed at 11:00 PM, EST of that day in Washington, DC, 38N53'42", 77W02'12".

The players are, President Barak Obama, born August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM, AHST in Honolulu, HI, 21N18'25" 157W51'30", and Mitt Romney born March 12, 1947 at 9:51 AM, EST, Detroit, MI, 42N19'53", 83W02'45". This all culminates at the Inauguration on January 20, 2013, at 12:00PM, EST, in Washington, DC. Regardless of the moment/time the ceremony actually occurs, according to the Continental Congress, the previous presidential term ends at 12:00PM, making the "President elect" the President at that time.

Now back to the topic at hand, which is, what will the election bring us, the citizens of the United States of America!

As you look at the diagrams you will note that I am a Uranian astrologer, so I use hypothetical planets otherwise known as transneptunian planets. I will share with you a little of the basics of how I decipher these horoscopes/charts.

When looking at an event chart, in this case, the election, these are some of the main points I will be looking at: Sun, Moon, Cardinal axis, Kronos, Apollon and Admetos. Beginning with the Sun, which denotes the day, the Moon the people and the mood of the people, which changes hourly, the Cardinal axis, which is the world at large, and Kronos, which is the leader or authority figure. The Sun Kronos midpoint represented by SU/KR, is the commander-in-chief, the president, the king. I will also mention Apollon, which means luck and success, and Admetos, which means come to a standstill, or hits a brick wall.

So now let us see what the charts for the election tells us as to the out-come of how this race will turnout. I will first attempt to see what the midpoint of the Sun and Kronos tells me. Why Sun/Kronos? Because Sun/Kronos is the commander in chief. The SU/KR = MA/NE, and this tells me that there will be voter tampering, you can count on it. On another note MA/NE = SU/KR, the winning candidate will be the one whose campaign team uses the best strategy. Many of you out there are saying with Mercury going retrograde, the person in office will be reelected. Well in this case, Mercury is stationary, which means it is at a standstill and not moving. This indicates that there will most likely be a recount and we may not know for sure who our new president is for at least a day or two until Mercury moves a minute or two, in this case backwards. The Mercury station retrograde is not the only problem. Pluto is opposite Kronos, and the meaning for this combination is a change in the ruling or governmental power. The SU/KR = SU/PL, and this means a day of drastic change. At the same time the SU/KR = ME/SA, indicates sad news, such as saying good-bye.

When the polls close, besides the planetary pictures I just mentioned, the other important planetary picture is PL, KR/MA = AR/SU. The interpretation for this day means the world has acted to make a change in government. In other words, from the election chart alone without taking the candidates charts into consideration the voters could opt to elect a new president.

Now let's include the candidate's charts along with their solar arc's, whole, half and double solar arc's, along with the transits on election day and we get a different perspective as to what will happen. Barak Obama's solar arc's at the time of the election will be 49.37, his half solar arc will be 24.49 and his double arc will be 99.14. Mitt Romney's solar arc will be 64.20, his half solar arc will be 32.10 and his double solar arc will be 128.40.

We can look at many aspects in each candidates chart and there is a good argument for each candidate to be a winner as well as a loser on that date. The first planetary combination I look at is the midpoint between his natal Sun and transiting Sun, this tells me what kind of day he is having.

This particular midpoint in Obama's chart falls on his VE/AP(Apollon). I am looking at what the transiting SU/KR in each candidates chart and then what each candidate's SU/KR will equal. At the time the polls are deemed closed which is 11:00PM in DC, the transiting SU/KR will equal Obama's JU/ME by his solar arc and his Venus by half solar arc, and at the same time falls on the midpoint of Obama's Sun and transiting Venus. Transiting Jupiter will be 22 ½ to his personal SU/KR as transiting KR, and PL will be semi-square his SU/KR. In addition, on a 90-degree dial, transiting Mars for the day of the election falls on his natal Mars and in turn both Mars' semi-square SU+Kronos-Zeus which implies outstanding qualities of leadership. These are very powerful planetary combinations.

In the case of Mitt Romney, the transiting SU/KR will equal the midpoint of transiting Saturn and his natal Saturn by his double solar arc. At the same time his natal SU/KR will fall at the midpoint of transiting SA/KR as his half solar arc will hit the transiting SA/KR as well. It is as if his SU/KR will be getting a double whammy of Saturn and Kronos. Saturn and Kronos together means to fall from high places. To make matters worse, the midpoint of his natal Sun and transiting Sun will fall on his Admetos, meaning he has come to the end of the line.

My next step is to look at the chart of the Inauguration and I see that transiting Sun will fall on Obama's Jupiter as transiting JU = Obama's SU/AR midpoint. Also, transiting Mercury will equal his natal Mercury. From another angle, transiting Sun on Obama's Jupiter is both midpoint Obama's Mercury, transiting Mercury and transiting Apollon. This tells us that on this particular day, the media and the world will be focusing on President Obama and listening to what he has to say as he is sworn into office.

Inauguration day for Romney has transiting Mercury hitting his Saturn. At the same time transiting Pluto will be on his Neptune and 22 ½ to his Saturn, as transiting Saturn will fall on his Pluto. The double Pluto and Saturn impact is an indication of a loss of power.

The chart of the inauguration is also the birth chart of the President's term in office. The term with two major negative planetary pictures, the first is Hades +ASC = 0 AR, the President will be dealing with nasty and disagreeable people and poverty which can precipitate violence. The violence is indicated by the formula of PL+0 AR = UR and Mars. There will be some sudden explosive changes, literally as well as figuratively. With a Mars Uranus semi-square, the possibility of violence is not out of the question.

After comparing the candidate's charts with the transits of the election I have come to the conclusion that President Obama will continue to be the President for another four years, and it will not be an easy four years.

Please see all the charts written about here on my website.

Arlene Marcia Nimark is, and has been a full time astrologer since 1980. She has a level IV certification from NCGR, and is on the faculty of New York City Chapter of NCGR. Since 1982 her specialty is in Uranian astrology. She is one of the few who use the full system, 360 degree with it's multiple house systems for intense analysis of the individual, and forecast with the use of the 90 degree dial. Arlene has lectured at UAC' 92, 95, 98, 02 and 08, plus many local as well as National NCGR conferences, the SOTA conference in Toronto, Canada, and at some AFA conferences. She has also done numerous workshops through out the USA, and Mexico using this dynamic system of astrology. NOTE: all charts related to this article can be found on my website. For a personal consultation, contact me thru website listed above.

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