The Birthchart: The Ascendant, IC and Houses One to Four
After the planets and signs, the third key building block of astrology is the areas of the chart itself, known as the houses. These are the twelve segments of the chart that are broken up by what look like the spokes of a wheel.
Four of these houses are particularly important as they are led by what are known as the chart angles. These angles are the cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses (at least in quadrant house systems such as Placidus).
The cusp of the 1st house is called the Ascendant. This is an exceptionally important point in the horoscope, representing the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.
This sign, sometimes known as your rising sign, suggests something about how you perceive the world. It is the lens through which you see life. It also gives a set of themes that will be important in your life's journey.
For example, with Cancer rising, you will approach life and new ventures with some caution and timidity, feeling your way gently to the starting point. You will also grapple with issues of home, family, mother and nurturing as you move through life.
With Sagittarius rising, you will approach life as a grand adventure, optimistically seeing the bigger picture and the wider view wherever you are. The search for meaning and looking to the future will be important themes in your life.
The planet which rules your Ascendant is called your Chart Ruler and is an extremely important planet in your chart. For example, with Cancer rising your ruling planet is the Moon. With Sagittarius rising, your ruling planet is Jupiter.
The Ascendant flows into the first house of the birth chart, which is all to do with you as an individual and your approach to life. This is a house that may say much about your basic personality and any planets here have a powerful influence in describing your nature. For example with Mars here, even with timid Cancer rising, you may be a force to be reckoned with! You are go-getting and dynamic, even if you get what you want by sometimes less than direct action.
The second house, which is the second segment of the chart below the horizon on the left hand side, is the house of finances and values. This shows the area of your chart where you will find self-value and self-esteem. On a more practical level it is connected with your actual financial situation, and your earning power.
Planets here may suggest ways in which you may develop your self-value and/or your finances. For example, with the Moon placed here you may be suited to earning money through a profession which allows you to nurture and care for others, or which allows you to express or deal with feelings or domestic values. You may also need a secure financial position to feel at home in the world, and so focusing on this area of life may be especially important.
The third house is the sphere of learning, communication and the local environment. Planets here may suggest how you express yourself in learning situations, such as school, or in the local everyday environment. They may also play a role in how you perceive or experience your siblings, who are also considered under the third house.
For example, with Jupiter in the 3rd house you may love the idea of learning for the bigger picture it gives you of life. Your local environment and contacts may be an ever-expanding area of knowledge for you, and any siblings may be perceived as positive role-models, who offer a broader view of life.
The fourth house cusp is called the Immum Coeli (IC). This is the second extremely important angle in the birth chart. It represents the deepest part of you, and its sign is symbolic of the qualities you should cultivate in your home and domestic sphere. This angle is also representative of your roots and often its planetary ruler is symbolic of the father or family heritage.
For example with Scorpio on the IC you have a need for an intense home environment that is deeply satisfying on an emotional level and which allows you to contact your innermost layers. The positions of Mars and Pluto may describe something of the way in which you perceive your father (as they rule Scorpio).
The fourth house is then an extension of the ideas about the IC - home, family, roots, inner life and the private sphere in general. Planets here will express in a personal manner.
For example, with Uranus placed in the fourth house there is a certain level of unsettledness with staid domestic situations. Your inner self is a restless one that enjoys the excitement of change in home matters. Perhaps you move many times or construct a home environment that is conducive to your need for excitement and awakening on the personal level.
The first four houses are particularly personal and have a strong association with our identity and private self. Look to these houses to learn about who you are and what has shaped you at a core level.
Laura Andrikopoulos is a professional astrologer from England. Visit her website for personalised reports and consultations.
This article is based on an extract from her book 'Short Guides to Serious Astrology: Beginnings', available from Amazon. Visit to view all Laura's books.
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