Saturday, 10 November 2012

Debate 2012: What Happened, Obama?

His DNC left us lukewarm, and his debate performance last night was completely out of character. Political pundits and Obama fans alike thought the debate would be a runaway win for Obama, but the President didn't deliver as expected. He seemed tired, morose, and didn't even seem to want to be there. What happened?

First of all, Mitt Romney had great transits the day of the debate. The transiting Mars/North Node conjunction was conjunct his Moon/Jupiter conjunction, so he was more aggressive than usual. The Sun was conjunct his natal Neptune, ruler of his 10th house, which helped with his confidence. Political fact checkers indicated a whopping 27 lies told by Romney within 38 minutes of the debate! Neptune has been squaring his Ascendant, and transiting Sun was on his Neptune, so the fact that he bent the truth is not surprising. He was also very vague with the policies he put forth, and was lax on the details. Very Neptunian, don't you think? Moreover, the mundane transits suited Romney perfectly. Romney is as Neptunian as they get, and with the Venus-Neptune opposition in the sky yesterday, I bet he was feeling quite comfortable.

Now, let's look at Obama's transits.

Transiting Venus was in his 7th house, sextile his natal Venus. While this transit promotes popularity, it also promotes harmony and cooperation. Under this influence, we are not prone to making conflict; rather, we desire cooperation and harmony. Notice how many times Obama indicated the areas in which the two candidates agreed? Notice how he didn't "attack" Romney to the same degree he was attacked?

Saturn is now within one degree of squaring his 12th house natal Jupiter. During this time, we feel down on our luck. Obama may feel restless for new opportunities, but feels bogged down with issues from the past. Jupiter in the 12th is often seen as an aspect that indicates one has a guardian angel on their shoulder, helping then navigate life's crises. With Saturn squaring this planet, perhaps his guardian angel is on a break.

Mars was transiting conjunct his natal Midheaven exactly. Under this transit, we must be careful not to act impulsively or make decisions based on egotistical motives. Indeed, Obama certainly seemed more irritable than usual yesterday, which was especially clear when he argued with the moderator.

The most important and significant transit is Obama's Chiron Return. Obama has Chiron in Pisces in the first house. His demeanor yesterday was vastly different than the Obama we're used to. Having a planet or and asteroid in our first house will manifest through the way we project ourselves to the world. Our physical appearance, mannerisms, and body language all fall under the first house's jurisdiction.

Obama's natal Chiron is in his first house. This indicates Obama's reoccurring wounds manifest through his sense of self, which has somehow been harmed in the past. As a result, a sense of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence may plague him from time to time. These thoughts lead to self-defeating behaviors. Obama may be working through some demons right now. He may be having fears and doubts over how he perceives himself and how others perceive him. His Chiron is in Pisces, so perhaps he has ignored these wounds in favor of helping others. Those with Chiron in Pisces put other people's needs ahead of their own due to their strong sense of compassion and sensitivity. His Chiron in the first house is square his Moon in the fourth, so his mother's role in his life has had a significant role in this, as well. This aspect suggests that their relationship has had a significant impact on the way Obama perceives himself.

Obama is now experiencing his Chiron Return, which happens to everyone around the ages of 50-51. When transiting Chiron makes an aspect to its natal position in a person's chart, events trigger our Chironic wound. This is especially true during the Chiron Return. Obama is currently being reminded of a painful memory, and doubts his self-worth. This is affecting his self-confidence, as well as they way he is presenting himself to the world.

Hopefully, Obama will be able to use this time to learn to love himself, and learn to let go of the past. Hopefully, he will see that everything happens for a reason, and that he would not be where he was today without having gone through what he has gone through. It's much easier said than done, or course, but the discovery of your true self-worth is the gift of this transit.

Transits for the Next Debate:

Obama's Chiron Return will be exact on the day of the next debate. In addition, Saturn will be square his natal Mercury. The Sun will be square his Saturn, and Mars will be square his Pluto. Transiting Venus will still be in his 7th house.

As for Romney, transiting Mercury will be trine his Mercury, and transiting Venus will be opposite his Venus. Transiting Mars will be square his Mars and conjunct his South Node. Transiting Saturn will be in an applying square to Saturn, Neptune will be square his Ascendant, and Chiron will be square his North Node exactly! He has the benefic Jupiter transiting his 1st house, combative Mars transiting in his 7th house, and Mercury transiting his sixth house.

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