Monday, 5 November 2012

Saturn Enters Scorpio: Heralds The Reconstruction Of Our Physical And Emotional Security

Saturn has now begun its sojourn through Scorpio, therefore what can we expect? At 0 degrees, it will only just begin to feel its feet in this passionate and intense sign. First we can look at how Saturn would feel about being in this sign. I would imagine that he would feel at home with the fixity, as after all Saturn is very concerned about security and maintenance. The water element however, is not really Saturn's forte. Tough love or having to be cruel to be kind comes to mind. Sorting out an emotional mess or getting to the root of the matter are other images I see with this combination.

Saturn in Mutable Reception

It will of course be in mutable reception with Pluto in Capricorn. On the world stage this has been breaking down old worn out structures and the demolishing of those that prevent future growth. Of course the banks have come into focus as Pluto exposed mismanagement and underhand dealings. The masses no longer trust these established financial structures. The world's economy has come up for investigation, which has left most of us feeling vulnerable, but at least it has made us open our eyes to what is actually going on. This chaos is necessary before change.

Saturn in New Sign

Now Saturn in Scorpio will add to this mix, which will stir up more intrigue that needs to be faced and sorted out. Saturn will make us take up the floor boards to see what is going on underneath. Pluto is still digging for dirt into societies and structures, which have risen from rocky foundations. Both of these combinations speak of control and those in power will obviously try to keep their power. Individually we hold onto what gives us a sense of security, both physically and emotionally.

Being a Sagittarius, I look for the silver lining. More to the point, the true reasons for this global shift, therefore what will this bring about? Scorpio is about taboo subjects like money, sex, death, most of all it is the sign of transformation. Saturn will make us face our fears of these subjects, where from the light of understanding we eventually reconstruct firmer foundations. New education about money is well on its way. Sex and death may follow suit where all these could be transformed onto a higher level through deeper understanding.

None of us can stop the evolution of life; we are indeed part and parcel of it. What we can do for ourselves is to try to understand. What we do individually will affect us all. The Birth Chart shows how this may affect us personally. The house where Scorpio is on the cusp will be highlighted, there by activating it. Any planets in this sign will be ready for a reality check as Saturn passes over them. Look at Saturn as a firm teacher; what is it trying to show you that needs to be reconstructed? Understanding your natal Saturn by sign, house and aspect will help enormously in defining its message through Scorpio and how it will affect you personally. We may be in for a bumpy ride collectively but for some it will have a positive outcome. From my Sag perspective it will be for us all... eventually! We are indeed living in transformational and exiting times.

Astrologer Lucinda Tinsley as been studying Astrology for over 20 years She helps those who seek deeper insights into life and themselves. Using the psychological approach in understanding your personal Birth Chart she leads you towards your authentic self, to understanding your challenges and discovering your innate potentials. Her web site, http:// has many articles written to help those who want to understand astrology through their own Birth Chart

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