Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Mutual Reception of Saturn and Pluto

On 6th October 2012 Saturn will enter the sign of Scorpio. This means that we will have Saturn in Scorpio whilst Pluto is in Capricorn. Now Saturn rules Capricorn and Pluto rules Scorpio so each planet is in the other's sign. This is called a mutual reception. What this means is that each planet is reinforcing the other, suggesting that they will work together as a team, and as such will have greater impact than they have been having whilst Saturn has been in Libra.

Saturn in Scorpio is a hard energy. It has a biting, waspish quality, ruthlessness that stings. Some of the themes that could be around are: issues around the limits of emotional engagement; lessons in power, revenge or depth; a reckoning in intimate matters; karma connected with secrets or powerful feelings.

Pluto in Capricorn has made its presence felt in the global financial crisis, the onset of which coincided with its entry into the sign in 2008. Some if its themes may be: the destruction of outworn structures; purging of financial and economic systems; overthrow of governments and institutions; transformation of ambition; obsession with discipline or organisational structures; the control of long-term goals; power through the material and financial world.

Teaming up, Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn suggest that we will be severely tested on the reality of our emotional commitments, that we may meet our fate in financial or structural matters, that we must learn to relate on deep levels that honour both the emotional and material realms. Tough lessons seem certain during this period.

Saturn and Pluto will dance together in a sextile aspect between 10th December 2012 and 26th March 2013 and then again on 11th September 2013 to 1st October 2013. Their exact meetings will occur on 27th December 2012, 8th March 2013 and 21st September 2013. These points may be the peak of their lessons although their strength in working as a team will be present throughout the period of mutual reception.

When Saturn and Pluto met by opposition in 2001 the twin towers fell and the world was changed forever. The sextile is a much milder aspect, but Saturn and Pluto are strengthening each other via the sign connection. Whilst there is unlikely to be a repeat of 9/11 or events of that magnitude, we are going to be asked to face tough questions.

Julian Assange is one example of someone who will be powerfully impacted. With his Sun in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio he will have Pluto opposing his Sun whilst Saturn is on the Moon. This suggests that power struggles he is involved with will continue for some time yet and that some form of incarceration or limitation on his person is also unlikely to end any time soon. He is undergoing a total transformation in his life direction, and one that could be heavy weather for him to handle on an emotional level. He may be one person who is living part of the collective dimension of this energy pattern. Certainly, he is one to watch as a symbol of how world events are unfolding...

Laura Andrikopoulos is an astrologer from England.

Visit her website http://www.starpoetry.co.uk/ to order your personalised report or reading.

Visit her Amazon author page http://www.amazon.com/author/astrologer to see her latest books.

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