Astrological Forecasting: The Solar Return
Solar Return charts are fascinating. They should be read simply, but equally, they need to be constantly referenced back to the natal chart. Here I suggest the most important factors, which apply to reading any Solar Return chart.
1. Start with the Ascendant
The Ascendant shows our overall approach to the year. It is interesting to note what natal house it falls in, for this theme will be interwoven into the year in a major way. The aspects to the Ascendant are also important, particularly those that are tight. Any angular planet on the Ascendant has exceptional importance, and I will say more about this below.
2. The Chart Ruler
The Chart Ruler's sign, house and aspects are also very important, again indicative of a major theme in the year. Try to interweave this with the natal placement that this planet would fall in.
3. Other angles & angular planets
Angular planets are exceptionally important in Solar Returns. They are planets that are showing themselves as very powerful for that year. Look at what angle they are on, their sign and what houses they are ruling in the chart. This will help you assess where their main action is going to be. You should also consider the other angles and how these relate to the natal chart. A year in which the natal angles repeat is one of exceptional significance, suggesting a year that has a particularly important, perhaps destined, feel. Remember also to consider the rulers of the angles, and what they are doing in the chart.
4. Focus on the Sun
As the Solar Return chart is based around the Sun, and the Sun is in any case the centre and leader of a chart, we must pay particular attention to what it is doing in the Solar Return. Its house position is very important, as are its aspects, particularly those that are tight (within a few degrees). Its sign will of course be the same as the natal one and the aspects represent transits to the Sun on that day.
5. Look for any particularly tight aspects
List all the aspects in the Solar Return chart which are less than one degree; these are particularly important. Consider the planets involved by their Solar Return sign and house, but also where they would fall in the natal chart and indeed their original location in the natal chart.
6. Consider major Solar-Lunar phases & the Solar Return Moon generally
If there is a major phase between Sun and Moon such as a New Moon, a Full Moon or a square between them, this is also very important. It shows a critical year for relationships and for the integration of purpose with your innate way of being.
The sign, house and aspects of the Moon generally are also worth considering.
7. Look for the repetition of natal patterns
I have already suggested that the repetition of the natal angles indicates a year of major importance. This is however also the case for the repetition of key natal patterns.
8. Examine tight aspects to the natal chart
Look at tight aspects to the natal chart, within about one degree. This analysis will not just pick up transits that are currently in operation, but will pick up new factors that would not come up - for example the Solar Return angles, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
9. Other significant features
As always with astrology there needs to be some room for the judgment of the experienced astrologer. What else stands out from the Solar Return chart? Here you might consider particularly emphasised signs, houses or degrees or a very different mode or element balance from the natal chart, which could suggest a year when the individual will have to deal with very different energies from the ones they are used to.
Laura Andrikopoulos is a professional astrologer from England. Visit her website for personalised reports and consultations.
This article is based on an extract from her book 'Short Guides to Serious Astrology: Forecasting Your Year', available from Amazon. Visit to view all Laura's books.
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